The future for digital integration platforms: A new architecture for innovation (podcast)

Episode Summary

With the unprecedented rate of change happening in the energy sector today you could say “The only constant is disruption.”

Where there is constant disruption, there must also be constant innovation.

Where once innovation might have been the remit of a particular team or department within utility companies, now it must come from across the organization. In this podcast Greenbird's Enno Dreier shares how utility IT organizations can be structured so that innovation can be maximized.

You will learn:

  • What a pace-layered application strategy is and how it is used in the energy sector
  • What slows down innovation and what can be done about it
  • Recommendations to optimise time and resource to accelerate innovation
  • Predictions for the energy sector from an architectural point of view

The related blog post can be read here:

Play Episode


Enno Dreier
VP Business Development , Greenbird

Enno has more than fifteen years of experience working in the IT industry with enterprise solutions for the energy sector. Enno has a large network and broad experience within the international utility business, particularly in the area of Smart Metering.

More episodes

Episode 1: Why Podcast

Episode 2: iPaaS and the future of computing

Episode 3: Energy utility trends update from Asian Utility Week 2019 (with China Light & Power)

    Episode 4: The Role of Data Science in the Energy sector today (with Powel)

    Episode 5: Trends in the European Energy sector

    Episode 6: Importance of Data in tomorrow's Energy Landscape

    Episode 7: The Agile Utility (Experiences from EnBW)

    Episode 8: How Enterprise Architecture is driving the Energy Transition

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    Our podcast library can also be accessed from our website

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