The Agile Utility - Experiences from EnBW (Podcast)

Episode Summary

The ‘Agile Utility’ is a buzzword that is being embraced, however, understanding the methodologies and best practices around the implementation remains uncharted territory for many. As traditional utilities are adapting to the disruption in the sector, you may ask yourselves this question: Is agile right for me and my organisation? Is agile right for my project?

Learn how one of the largest utilities in German has management to evolve and create value faster as well as react to changes in the market more quickly using an Agile Mindset. You will gain greater knowledge to be able to answer questions related to why, how and which tools are best for various types of projects and more.

In this interview with Manuel Steininger from Netze BW GmbH (EnBW) and your host Thorsten Heller at Greenbird the duo will discuss the main benefits of Agile Methodologies, share insights and experiences and offer recommendations to other utilities exploring Agile frameworks for their innovation projects.

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The episode can also be found on Apple Podcast and Spotify.

Guest Speaker

Manuel Steininger from Netze BW GmbH (EnBW)

More episodes

Episode 1: Why Podcast

Episode 2: iPaaS and the future of computing

Episode 3: Energy utility trends update from Asian Utility Week 2019 (with China Light & Power)

    Episode 4: The Role of Data Science in the Energy sector today (with Powel)

    Episode 5: Trends in the European Energy sector

    Episode 6: Importance of Data in tomorrow's Energy Landscape

    Our podcast library can also be accessed from our website

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